J4 welcomes Lucy Lund and Jake Williams to the team

J4 is delighted to welcome two new team members this week – Lucy Lund and Jake Williams. The photo shows them on an induction visit to BBC New Broadcasting House in London with Dave Newell and Rob Williams to give them an insight into some of the amazing projects we manage with BBC Workplace.

Lucy and J4 Projects founder, Jon Folly, have known each other since studying at Cardiff University in the late 90’s.  Lucy’s project (and people) management skills are much admired. She has a lot of experience in managing intricate, complex and sensitive projects.  Lucy enjoys managing teams and is looking forward to the next step in her career ready to take on projects where their perceived benefit to clients makes a big impact.

Like Lucy, Jake has also been on J4’s radar for a long time. We’ve watched his career take off and have enjoyed following his progress as he’s moved from an apprentice to project manager, picking up a First Class Honours degree along the way too.  We were glad the time felt right for him to join us, as he now looks forward to working with an exciting range of clients.